Add School code in School Mail ID

Posted: 04 Jun 2016 10:26 PM PDT

  Most of the mails we receive from schools don't have details such as the school code, Name of sub district, full name of the school, name/contact number of the HM/sender, Details of the students concerned. This makes the response slow/no action. So give all the details in the mail.

Why and how  to add school code to your mail? 

(Click  on the images to enlarge them)

But it not possible to change the mail ID now and then. So, let's see how to add school code with the EMail ID, just to recognize your school.

 From this signature, the school can be identified easily.

( Prepared: VVK, ITSchool, ksd )

St Marys A U P School Malakkallu

St Marys A U P School Malakkallu


Posted: 05 Jun 2016 02:04 AM PDT

                          The praveshanothsavam, conducted on the first working day of this year, welcoming the new comers with sweets and flowers was a spectacular function. we had 92 new faces to various classes. The  school Manager Fr: Baiju Edattu, P T A Prisident Mr T K Kurian, Ward Member Mr Jineesh, H M Sr Pradeepa, Teachers, Parents and the old students joined together to welcome the new comers.All the Gusts Along with the delegates of the new comers jointly lit the lamp of knowledge, inaugurating this years educational functions of St Marys A U P School Malakkallu.





Posted: 04 Jun 2016 11:42 AM PDT

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